Hi Martian,
Your analysis on the holding hands vs confronting == too fast makes alot of sense. I didnt think about it that way! Hmm, I need to work on my analysis haha.
I see what you mean. I think you and the other guys have given me enough great advice to really let me start applying my own perspective and judgement, and analysis to things.
And I see your point about the moving faster thing. That really *is* important. Thanks for keeping me on my toes on that one.
I asked my good friend and he said that confronting her again, like I did last time, is a good thing. I just gotta do it smooth this time, no hiccups and awkward silences. And when she says "I don't know", I need to probe more into her reply, not just bounce off and fire more questions. And, he says that I should feel for a right, comfortable time to ask/launch into this deeper conversation; it could be next time we hang out, or in a week; I just gotta feel the right time out myself.
This is just FYI if you were curious; the gum was in the drawer, and she pulled it out during the movie

I don't know if she chews gum alot, but I don't think so as I never see her carry it around or chew it usually.
I'll definitely keep you posted on more updates.
Thanks Mars!