Well I took the week off from work.
The social worker will be here about 4pm to drop off the kids.
My mother and i went shopping for "Things I would need." I bought a Hill worth of outfits. I bought a changing table, and a month worth of dipers for the both of them. I went and picked up a crap load of toys. I got the kiddie foods my mother recomended. A car seat, and booster seat (They dont fit in my camaro). A stroller, plus things i am sure i am forgetting. I spent $1800 today. And I feel like I forgot something. I never even thought about anti-kid devices. I guess there is more shopping to be done.
I contacted an agency about a live in nanny and they are sending over 4 candadets tomarrow. I have a question. How do I know what one is the one. Oh and what questions do I ask?
Should I think about getting a Van and puting my camaro in storage, or selling it.
Breath in... Breath out... repeat as needed.
I reject your reality, and substitute my own.