Originally Posted by paddyjoe
Hey Charlie what up man. Only a very small % of pics are showing up. Many, many rex's.
Cool jukebox though. Is it a table model?
It is a table top model... each table has one and they work. The whole place has seen better days but the place is clean and the owners are nice.
Originally Posted by paddyjoe
Winter down here too man. The start of a loooooong season.
Preaching to the choir, my friend. It's already too cold and it's only November. The good news I am still in the early days of snow where I think it looks pretty and can't remember the hell of Februrary.
Originally Posted by paddyjoe
nothin like a cold coors lite, eh pal.......
Nothing like it... The guy in line in front of me ordered a 25 of Coors Light... I had to look and see if Flyman was visiting Toronto without telling me.