Why did you start visiting the first one you did?
The first board I recall coming across was an automotive forum. I was having some trouble with an old car I have and one of the google hits was a thread from that board. I not only found a solution to my problem, but recognized that it had a great deal more information.
What exactly stimulated you to start posting/browsing regularly?
On that same automotive board, I had information that I felt I could share and benefit others as well. They also had an off topic forum or "lounge" that was often interesting.
What is it about TFP that keeps you coming back?
I don't browse a lot of boards (maybe three that I can think of). This one just seems to have quantity and quality which I credit more to the moderators than anything else.
What draws you to any other boards you regularly visit?
One of the others boards I visit is frankly the complete opposite of this one and I like that as much as this one. It is kind of like sometimes enjoying a nice meal in a quiet restaurant and other times tossing a few back in a rowdy bar.
Are you a lurker? Do you almost always feel motivated to give your opinion? Do you post about everything?
If what I would say has been said I won't usually chime in any more. Or at least I try not to. And then if I do, like public speaking, it would depend on the audience. On this board my opinions on the things that make me thing "What the fuck" wouldn't be needed or appreciated. On the other hand I post things on here that I'd never offer on the rowdier board that I frequent.
What benefits have you gotten from being around message boards?
From the automotive board I've certainly saved a fair amount of trouble and cash. On here I've seen some interesting perspectives on things that I may not have otherwise been exposed to. The third board has killed some brain cells I think.
Don't always trust the opinions of experts.