um first off im kinda breaking a rule. i'm not reading the other posts and will likely not read any further, BUT i wanted to throw my opinion in.
I have seen people do terribly stupid shit. i had a friend who's 8balled weekend after weekend, i know people who use to do valiums like candy, i myself had a life destroying addiction with a pain killer. almost all of america is addicted to mcdonalds or Really Bad Shit and they drink coffee by the barrel fulls
so..... marijuana, compared to all of the above if used by a water bong is HARMLESS.
i don't do pot.. i don't do anything but occasional booze. it's just not me. a personal decision. BUT i believe people SHOULD use pot more... it would possibly reduce use of other, much more lethal drugs.
if i had a child who said 'pick my poison, dad. obesity, alcoholism, freebasing, heroine, speed, or pot' i would probably BUY their pot and thank Jesus they arn't doing something rediculously harmful.
pot is a-okay. you don't smoke and drive but that's common sense... something the us lost years ago.
legalize it. quit puting harmless people in jail cuz they wanna relax. go for the ceos who assbang their employees and the baby murders!