Originally Posted by Rubyee
I thought it might be fun to start a thread based on the pet peeves we have with men and reasons why they do what they do.
My biggest pet peeve-
In the morning, EVERY morning, I wake up to my SO hocking up the contents of his sinuses. It is so loud! And it takes him what seems like half an hour. It is the most disgusting sound that I can think of- far worse than the sound made when vomiting. If we have guests, they can hear it. Then, if we are outside, he does it out there! People in parking lots look at us with looks of disgust on their faces. It is gross and embarassing.
Does every guy do this? Is this against manners, or something that the body does that can't be helped? Please tell me that I am not the only person that goes through this.
/me raises hand.
Hello I am a member of the disgusting club... I've had this cold/post nasal drip thing that I have not been able to shake.. I wake up in the morning, and after about 5 minutes int he shower -I sound like a 90 year old man... It's very sexy and very feminine let me tell you... (It's no wonder I can't get a guy)
There's not a lot that can be done to help this I don't think.. If I could stop it - I would- if I didn't - I'd probably choke to death on the mucous that accumulates.(*disgusting visual - sorry)
I'm not a smoker, but I know that smokers are really afflicted with this... part of my problem (the doctor suggested) is allergies -- dust - mold - whatever.