Two men walk into a bar...
Two men are standing outside a bar after having just finished walking their dogs. One man has a Labrador, the other a Chihuahua.
"We should stop in for a quick beer." The first man says.
"They won't serve us if we bring in the dogs." The other replies.
"Don't worry, if we put on these dark sunglasses and pretend we are blind, they have to serve us!" the first says.
Both men put on sunglasses and enter the establishment, pretending to be blind, and having their dogs lead them to a booth in the corner. The bartender comes in and says sternly, "No pets allowed."
The man with the Labrador says "This is my seeing eye dog. You have to let him in."
The bartender nods, but is not convinced. "Okay, but what about you?" he points to the man with the Chihuahua, "You have a Chihuahua. I've never seen a blind man with a Chihuahua as a guide dog!"
The second man quickly screams "Those fuckers gave me a Chihuahua?!?!"
Hey, if you are impressed with my memorizing pi to 10 digits, you should see the size of my penis.