Originally Posted by stevo
So when I start to post why I laugh at the left for this attempt at plamegate, and show how it is all bogus, with documented sources even, for some reason it is ignored almost whole-heartedly by the left on this board. Clinton is brought into it, a sentance here or there that isn't central to my main point is attacked. Now we see who is really dancing around the issue. Maybe the reason the same people who investigated clinton aren't doing it here isn't because bush has some free-pass, but because they've looked at the evidence and decided it wasn't worth their time.
Supporting a president is one thing, but delusionally insisting that a president can do no wrong, even in the face of mountains of evidence to the contrary, indicates that you're either not paying attention to the facts or that you're determined to support this guy no matter what, even if it makes you look foolish.
I'm just curious if there's anything that could possibly happen that would deflate even a little bit Bush's status in your eyes. 65% of the country already sees this administration for what it is. Why are you so in the minority.