Originally Posted by Gilda
I've found something to do with my time rather than just sit around waiting for my nose and arm to heal and my new job to begin in January. I went over to the closest elementary school and asked if they needed any volunteers for stuff like reading to kids or acting as an aide to one of the teachers, anything that can be done with one arm. I'm going to be a morning volunteer aide for a couple of second grade teachers during the next few weeks, up until December break.
Wow. Just... wow. You're an amazing person. I wouldn't have ever thought to do that kind of thing. A-freaking-mazing. Not only are you making lemonade, you're giving it to others for free, and helping them learn. I'm just... floored.
Originally Posted by gilda
I think if I keep busy, I'll be able to keep my mind off of the dark stuff. I'm not so sure that that's a good thing, though. I'll need to deal with it sooner or later.
True, but you've got enough on your plate for now, no?