I love college football. USC (as much as I dislike them and the media coverage makes me puke) is a damn good team and in all likelyhood the best team in the nation. Texas is pretty damn good too and a USC Texas matchup will be exciting to watch. I would love to see a shake-up though. There really is no telling what would happen if USC and VT both lose a game before the rose bowl. I don't see texas losing at all, while UCLA could give USC a run for their money and VT still has to play UM and possibly the ACCCG.
Not too long until we get our bowl picks. was there a TFP bowl prediction thread last year? We'll have to get one going this year. Too bad college football isn't 9 months out of the year. but then I wouldn't get many weekends off.
"If I am such a genius why am I drunk, lost in the desert, with a bullet in my ass?" -Otto Mannkusser