Originally Posted by Dragonknight
The Other Good news: Distance is one, if not most, effective ways to make a relationship as strong as it will EVER be. If you can stick it out with a loved one through distance, especially great distance. Your relationship will be almost as strong as it will ever be.
Indeed, Dragon is right. Not every LDR is destined to peter out and die... it just takes hard-core determination and a belief that what you are doing is worth it. It sounds like the OP is trying to sort out whether or not it is worth it, which is perfectly valid (esp. given his circumstances, age, and his gf's issues).
I think LDR's are massively difficult for the general population, but that if the average couple is forced to become LD for a temporary time (a few months to a few years), they will become exceptionally strong. At least, that's my hope, for my own LDR.

And believe me, I often feel *very* weak, but I love ktspktsp too much to give up, and I know he feels the same.