I'm in the military and know all about long dist relationships, and the fears that come with them. My now wife never cheated on me, but I know how stressful things are already. Here's my thoughts.
1. She came out rather quickly for being so far away. To me this means that you've given her a reason to care enough to come out and dell you quickly. This means a lot when her past is completely the opposite. You mean enough to her, that when something did happen she felt bad about it.
2. It didn't go all the way. I'm sure it had the potential to considering the situation.
3. I truly believe that love conquers all. If you truly love each other equally then you both can get through this. My wife and I have been together for almost 6 years. We started dating in HS. Two years after our relationship I went to the Marines and have seen her for may 200 days out of the year every year. Some times less, due to deployments and such. My point you can do it if you try.
2. Being drunk isn't an excuse when you already knew that there was a chance you might do something. She asked your friend to watch her. She knew she was in a dangerous position and only made it worse by drinking. (she was drinking right? you never actually said she was drunk)
3. It's in her past to be a sex loving person. She slipped up once, it could happen again.
You have to ask yourself if this relationship is worth fighting for. If it is forgive her and DON'T bring it up ever again. If you truly forgive someone you can never hold that same thing over there head. Also if it happens again, see it for what it is and end the relationship.
If the relationship is not worth fighting for, then cut you losses have fun in Germany, and look each other up when you get home and can actually be with each other and not having to worry about long distances.
Either way you go, good luck.