What are your chances of finishing NUKE school? VERY poor. I scored a 97 on my ASVAB, went into the navy as a NUKE MM, made it through the A school, and dropped out of the nuke program after failing the first 4 tests. (I also had been out of school for several years, w/ little background in math/physics.)
Why is this still a good idea? Well, making it through the A school means i was automaticly advanced to E-4 w/o having to take a rating exam, thus avoiding competing for a finite number of slots. (I'd been in about a year at that point.) Considering that getting advanced to E-5 was dependant on how long i was an E-4, earlier is better. Also, When i went to my actual command, there was ALOT less shit work for me.
Besides, if you like math, and can study your guts out for atleast 6 hours (And a min. of 8 hours on sat & sun) aday after learning the most condensed lecture possible, you could do well. And its kind of cool to tell people you are 'NUKE waste'. (Thats what they call drop-outs like me!)
Your children will be covered. (You have to enrol them in the DEERS program. It is alittle tedious paperwork, but you only have to do it once every time you have new kids, or change commands.)