Originally Posted by Sue
Say you're driving along down a 55MPH road. Coming into view is a 45MPH sign.
If i'm currently doing 55, it's because the speed limit is already 45. If the limit was 55, i'd be doing 65, maybe 70 (or more, if it was a highway).
Originally Posted by MooseMan3000
Well, yeah. Because a speed limit is just that. A limit.
*giggles profusely*
Maybe where you are, but in Florida- if you're not going at least 5 over, you get honked at. POLICE give you a dirty look,
when they pass you, if you're not going 5 over. People who do "the limit" here are "really old", and are insanely reckless, worthless drivers. I don't care HOW LONG you've been driving- a lot of them are blind as fucking bats, their motor and reflex skills are for shit, and they can barely move their arms but they drive cars twice the size of mine.
The laws for driver license renewal are the absolute worst. You only have to renew every 6 or 8 years, and you can renew by mail, phone, or internet... which means you NEVER get re-examined for your driving ability, basic road rules, or even VISION TEST. I guarantee if you gave the same (or any) tests for a renewal as they do to get the license to begin with, at least 50 or 60% of the people over 55 here would lose their license. God, it makes me smile just thinking about it. Maybe then our public transportation system wouldn't be so horrible. I have nothing against them, but many of them are a flat-out danger on the road.