Computer locks up
Here is the thing. My computer has started to lock up during gameplay. There is no telling when it will lock up, only that it definately will eventually.
Before anyone says overheating, I've checked the sensors and they never reach high temps. The computer is well ventilated. I've run memtest and it shows no errors.
I'm usually in Linux, compiling a lot, and nothing ever happens then. Works like a charm. I'm thinking that if it was bad memory or an overheating component it should freeze when I'm compiling, no? Compilations are after all a pretty tough task for computer components.
Encoding movies works as well. No freezes. Recently though I started playing Quake 4, and after a while of gameplay the computer locks up. Reset button is the only solution. I've tried both the Linux and Windows version, and both cause the lockup so it seems it's not a windows or Linux specific problem.
The only thing I can really think of is the graphics card overheating. It does not have a temperature sensor, so I can't see how hot it is. However, touching the heat sink will burn my hand. It's very hot. Can a overheated graphics card cause this, or am I missing some small detail somewhere?
The computer is rock solid otherwise. No lock ups what so ever except when I play games.
The computer is an Athlon64 on an Abit AV8.
1 stick of 512 Mb TwinMOS ram.
An ElanVital Greenerger 400W PSU and two Seagate harddrives.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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