Originally Posted by MiSo
as for the gasket, i have no idea why the old one shouldn't fit.
it shouldn't cause any damage to the engine, but would be very annoying.
might cause a few problems where the header meets the exhaust pipe though. all the vibrations can't be good for it.
It depends. Unless I missed something the OP still hasn't specified if it's the gasket between the header and the engine or the gasket between the header and the exhaust. If it's the former, then it can damage the engine because cool air can get in when you shut it off. Good way to bend valves due to rapid temp. changes.
and Pony, yeah, that's much better. FWIW I never said the header would turn his car into a monster at the strip. I said it might improve performance a little. As for how much, I have no idea because I don't know a) what header he got and b) which model of civic he has. But if you go from the stock header, which is usually 4-1, and you move to one that merges the exhaust more efficiently (4-2-1) (and even here it's up in the air depending on how that 4-2-1 is designed), then you're gonna help things out even if you don't replace the rest of the exhaust. But also notice that way up there somewhere I recommended that he replace the exhaust.
Where I objected to your post is that you said it wasn't going to help him. That's an absolute statement. No help. At all.
You also have to keep in mind that on a civic even a few more lb/ft of torque is going to be more noticible than on whatever big-engined car you drive, since honda and torque aren't words usually used in the same sentence. . .