EDIT: W-w-wait! before reading all the crap i typed- W-w-what? there actually ARE people you know who can control the pupil size at will? Wow... I'd really like to see that. (oh, and i remember the heart is made up of, strangely, rough muscles- the only exception about smooth and rough muscles-read on and you'll get what i say- so controlling the heart does not sound that impossible. then again you can just think about scary things or make yourself nervous to make your heart beat faster, and vice versa...)
aye. dilation is a brain reflex. that's why in boxing matches the medics flashlight the knocked-out boxer when the situation looks bad- just to see if he's brain-dead or just, unconscious.
and also, muscles are roughly divided into two types as far as i remember from my Bio classes (I'm studying theatre in uni now...so don't blame me for mistakes
): smooth and rough muscles, or something like that. rough muscles are those you can control(tense) by will, so to speak, for example your bicepts, on the other hand smooth muscles like, hmm, most part of your intestines are not really moving at your will. and the circular muscles if the iris are smooth muscles as i remember, so, i guess... njah, no pupil dilation at will...
it would be really fun though. i'd like to have fun with the images i see- just to adjust the brightness of what i see and, well, to have different effects, simply for fun
interesting idea though.