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Old 10-18-2005, 06:57 AM   #1 (permalink)
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need to create a DLL in VS.NET to use in Borland C++

I have some code for a random number generator written in VB.NET. It makes a few microsoft exclusive calls as well. I need to implement it in Borland C++ Builder, and I was told the easiest way to do it would be to make a DLL in VS.NET and use it in the Borland program. I have very little experience with VS.NET and no experience using DLL's so any help to get me going is greatly appreciated.

I guess the other route I can take though is to figure out how to implement it directly in borland. The exclusive calls are:

Dim rng As New RNGCryptoServiceProvider
..... I don't understand what the GetBytes does
Dim sha512 As New SHA512Managed

if anyone knows some borland equivalents for those, that would work too. Thanks
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