OK, so I've been sitting in this clear box with a bunch of my friends for months. Some of us moved in all at once, then a few more came later. I think there's about eight of us now, which wouldn't be a hassle at all, but we have to share this space with two large pieces of rubber, this flat dude with a bunch of holes cut into his body and this metal pointy thing that keeps saying he can run circles around any of us, but always asks one of us for help (guess he can't run circles without us).
There's this one guy, I think he's rubber too, but he keeps himself isolated in a plastic bag. He's shapeless and dirty-we don't like him much. Sometimes he comes out of the bag and turns into some hardass...
Anyway....the owner of our humble abode decides she needs to get back to her 'roots', whatever that means, and to do so, needs our help. I'm a softy, I know I'm the best guy for the job and apparently she agreed, because next thing I know, she's sticking my head into a 3-wheeled grinder!!! Hurts like hell, let me tell ya!! But I look sharp as nails when I get out.
Usually, I work on a smooth surface, which can wear me down, but painlessly (until I'm put in that grinder again, at least). But this time, she drags me over this cloth stuff and that hurt!!! Wore me down faster too, and, well, by now you get the idea....
Well, she seemed pretty pleased with the work I did for her. She used my cousin, but he's got a hard head and is a bit light, so he went back in the box.
Oh! And today, her kid takes the pointy guy out, tries to get some of us into his harness, but most of us didn't fit. One guy did, so he got the job of having to be dragged around in circles, but it was for some homework thing. I, on the other hand am now a piece of artwork, even if I am covered in layers of some crap called 'acrylics'.