Funny that you say that, actually. Her birthday is coming up, and I've been planning this for a while, since this summer basically. Her favorite flower is the lilly of the valley which only grows in spring. Since her bday is in winter, I thought it couldn't happen, at which point my mother mentioned to me a technique called 'forcing' flowers where you can just put bulbs of them in the fridge for several months to simulate winter. I've done that and they will be grown and presented for her bday. A bouquet of her favorite flower that grows in the summer given to her in the winter. I like the thought of that.

At this point I really have no idea how this is going to go, but at the very least, I'm always going to keep some hope that we can reconcile because we have been through alot of hard times and helped each other through alot of hard times. It just seems like too much to throw away.
We've been fine and talking normally when we are around each other, but its just a casual aquaitance thing, joking. It is essentially like we are in the "just getting to know each other" stage of a friendship except we know basically everything about each other. Its confusing to say the least.