I wish I could find a server that plays medium or large sized Sharqi Peninsula and a small-sized Strike at Karkand on repeat. I found a few that play similar versions, but those exactly are my favorite levels in the game. I got on one server a few days ago and played Sharqi Peninsula for hours. That map is AWESOME on medium/large. It's true infantry combat. Levels like Dragon Valley on large are annoying because it's a vehicle-fest. If there's gonna be massive levels with vast distances to travel to get to each flag, then there should be enough vehicles to transport the entire damned team. I hate sitting around waiting on a vehicle, and that seems to happen a lot on the large, open maps.
The close-quarters maps like Sharqi and Karkand offer action non-stop, with the flags being so close to each other that you can easily run the distance. The one server I found that plays the maps I want is always full, not to mention half the slots are reserved for clan members so I can't play on it anyway.