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Old 10-10-2005, 08:50 AM   #100 (permalink)
This is that confusing the issue problem I talked about before. The "force that set things into motion" and the omniscient being are not necessarily the same. So the fact that an omnicient being knows what you will choose is unrelated to what you can choose.
Of course they are related.

If we treat omniscience as a scaled up version of Alice's knowledge, then Bob still has free will.
A probability assessment scaled up is still a probability assessment. Again you are varying your definitions of omniscience to fit your arguments. And sometimes vice versa.

Bob's ability to choose vanilla doesn't violate the infalliabilty of omniscience because, though he can choose vanilla, he won't. How do we know he won't? Because we're omniscient.... not because he can't.
Tp paraphrase Descarte: I won't, therefore I can't. OR: I can't, therefore I won't.

Your post is replete with non sequiturs. We are at an impasse as far as one of us being able to see the other's point(s). Much less agree with them.

Last edited by Francisco; 10-10-2005 at 02:44 PM..
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