Originally Posted by JinnKai
I read your argument until you started blanket labelling the religious right and the GOP. Your last paragraph is absolute nonsense.
If you owned a church, took in evacuees and lost money -- would you really think it unfair that the government reimburse you for time and effort spent? This has absolutely nothing to do with religion, and you're making it out to be a GOP precedent to start FUNDING churches. It sounds like you have more of a problem with tax exemption than you do FEMA reimbursement. If they were taxed, would you then think it okay to give them money? Or are they all still evil because they own a church?
IF they were taxed they would have every right to monies.
And yes, when an agency like the Salvation Army looks to be not getting a cent and recieves far less donations than most churches.... there is a severe bias.
Like I said, there are ways to reimburse without giving money and opening up churches to government bureaucracies.... no interest loans, amnesty on utilities...... but to give churches tax monies is wrong in so many ways.
And I ask this, do you believe that Jesus himself would ask for federal reimbursement?
In my heart and how I believe in Jesus and Christianity, Jesus would not ask for a cent from anyone and would know that help would come in donations, people volunteering hours to replace what was damaged, and that God would make the parrishioners and followers stronger because this would bring us all closer together...... taking money is the easy way out and setting precedent that every time a church helps in a tragedy it will be able to be reimbursed by the government..... that takes away the religious and humanity and true purpose of the church and makes it more a private enterprise to make money for what they for centuries have done without any want or need for outside help.
So you tell me.... who's stronger in faith .... the fool who says "government needs to help" or the one who says "God and the people will provide and because of this our faith and parish will strengthen"?
I am far more interested in seeing which denominations and sects will not ask for a cent and will survive on donations, volunteerism and faith and which ones will go with hands out.
My guess, the more conservative, GOP supporting churches will be first in line, the more liberal and true faith based churches will be too busy rebuilding and continuing to help and spreading the Lord's word in actions taken than to have a hand out and sell their souls for 30 pieces of silver.
But what do I know according to some on here I must be a heathen and non Christian because I have faith in what GOD will do over what a government is willing to sell me.