Thread: Battlefield 2
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Old 09-26-2005, 08:33 PM   #161 (permalink)
Location: Ames, IA
If you're going to call all those people stat-exploiters, you need to check out their stats a little. All of them have well over 600 hours played. I just ticked off the 100 hour mark, and i have a little over 12000 points. I score points about average(100/hr), but ive gone on a run where i score several hundred points in a night. Most of those people have more than 2000 matches played. Their stats are good, but there are exceptionally good people that play every game. A friend of mine, who plays no more than i do, but i play with him every night, has over 30,000 points in a little over a week of play time. I've never seen him exploit anything.

I'm not saying there arent stats exploiters out there, but once you get into the bf2 community, you'll realize that some people are just that good.
Caphreak is offline  

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