Originally Posted by Bodyhammer86
Except you can't conduct diplomacy or negotiate with a country whose leadership has a pathological hatred of the US.
This sentiment boggles my mind. Never mind that not everyone in Teheran has such feelings, but of course you can conduct diplomacy with those who hate your guts. Heck, that's where diplomacy is needed. Friends don't need it because they already agree, but it is those who are at each other's throats that need diplomacy to avert tearing into each other.
Of course you can conduct diplomacy with your enemies, and in fact unless you just happen to like war, then you'd better learn how. It can be frustrating for the novice diplomat, but trust me, diplomacy with those who consider you the greatest evil in the world is very possible, and even fruitful, when conducted by experienced, level-headed, and capable diplomats.
Generally, the neo-con New American Century group eschews such difficult paths for a more simplistic approach. This may be a wise tactical decision to circumvent their demonstrable weakness in the diplomatic arena, but it does not in the least demonstrate that diplomacy is impossible. Naturally the result of avoiding difficult diplomacy is an increased reliance on military response which is why I say unless you happen to be one of those who just enjoys seeing folks get blown up, diplomacy is absolutely an important arena to be skilled in.