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Old 09-21-2005, 05:09 AM   #1052 (permalink)
Location: LSD
Anyone else play on Khadgar? I have 3 characters there

Greatbambino - Troll Mage - 41
Theonemoocha - Tauren Hunter - 19
Nomin - Gnome Warrior - 21

I love WoW, its a really awesome game. The most amazing thing is that all my friends play but we all play with different goals and different approaches. One of my friends plays purely to be altruistic and he loves helping people out. Myself I just love levelling and the challenge of it. I have never played a MMO before, but I got into this one very quickly. Some of the magic has been lost as I have explored the world, it was most fun when I was about level 18. Doing WC has been the highlight for me, I did it in an extremely balanced party of 5, healer, shaman, rogue, warrior and myself (mage) and it was just magic. Raining down the blizzards and doing the big damage and feeling like I played my part, that was gold. Very fun.

Must completely disagree with whoever it was who said they use the mouse. I would strongly advise you not to do that. I work in computers and fight against RSI every day, constantly clicking puts great strain on muscles in your hands. Apart from anything else once you get used to it and have everything hotkeyed up its not a problem.

My gnome warrior is my most fun character, but I mostly play my mage now cause I want to see the endgame (sometime this year). Gnome warrior is such a crazy contradiction and its a real challenge, but he is getting quite cool and has potential I think. High agility is pretty neat. My original idea was to make him a tank but that is proving not feasible, I'm going to go for more damage when I pick him up again.

My biggest gripe with WoW is just that it takes an unnecessary amount of time to do stuff, and it seems like it has been engineered to be a really slow game. That is cool cause now all my friends are playing, but it seems that it has been designed to keep people playing for as long as possible. Especially the honour system, new BG, new long raids etc., and soon the expansion pack, I think it alienates a lot of non-hardcore players this way. If I designed an MMO it would run on playstation and it wouldn't just be for nerds, it would be for everyone. I'm sick of being the nerd who plays that crazy game, and its becoming more widely accepted but I still think that the truely massive MMO is yet to come, the one that every young person plays.

Anyway if your on Khadgar give me a yell. We have our own Horde guild full of nice people as well.
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