Originally Posted by martinguerre
What i am stating is that i believe evil to be real. It is a grave and serious problem, stemming from disrelationship with God and causeing all manners of injustice and atrocity.
I believe that this is what the conversation here is all about. That evil does, in fact, exist in the world. In this we are in agreement. I understand you from this board as a religious man, and I meant to cast no aspersion in this regard.
Let me quickly add that I think that some of those who refuse to assign a code of moral interpretation upon human behavior are simply doing so as a defense mechanism. These are people who've been burned emotionally, and seek to rationalize emotion away by placing little value in it. Those life events which are almost entirely experienced through the senses (Love, Trust, Committment, Faith, etc) are discredited on a philosophical level (ie., not based in reality) and then cast aside.