Originally Posted by Ustwo
I have no doubt that to Gwen, his brain said 'she' when his body said 'he'. It’s a shame that such a congenital defect, and yes I think of it as a defect from a biological stand point, caused him such pain in his life and eventually cost him his life.
Her. The correct pronoun is her. I assume you just forgot.
And if someone has such a problem from birth, and successful treatment is available...why is there such an issue that this woman was already in transition?
The Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary defines rape as
1. sexual intercourse with a woman by a man without her consent and chiefly by force or deception
It's an inflammatory statment to be sure. But it's not borne out by any of the fact in the case. These men consented to all of the sexual encounters that occured between them.