I wish that when I first started having sex, years and years ago (okay, I didn't lose it until I was 18) that someone would have explained to me what exactly an orgasm was.
For a couple months I was convinced I was having one, until one day I actually did. Then I knew what I had been missing out on.
Also, I wish that I hadn't been told some things- when I was going into junior high, some older girls I knew told me that the less I wore my bra during the day, the bigger my boobs would be. I now have double D's and wish I wore two bras 24 hours a day back then.
I wish someone would have told me that day in eighth grade that I had bled through the back of my jeans- I am sure we all can relate to something similar.
I wish someone would have told me that when they say Depo Provera causes weight gain, it REALLY causes weight gain. I was a size six all through high school until I got on that and my size doubled to a twelve. I am still struggling to lose the weight. I hate depo provera.
You don't know from fun.