Originally Posted by Strange Famous
I would have to disagree. In my opinion all people are naturally bisexual, to exclusively feel attraction to one gender is a socially engineered characteristic, it is ultimately a deviation from true and essentia human nature.
Interesting position,
SF. I feel that the expression of sexual orientation adjusts itself to social climate, which I don't mean to invalidate the very real emotions involved by all parties. Aside from that, I view it as one of the many things which can viewed as occurring along a spectrum, or a Boltman distribution curve. You've got some extremes, and then you've got a majority of people who fit somewhere in between. If you mean bisexual, with some exhibiting a vanishing amount of either extreme, then I don' think that there is any way to argue with your statment. I believe, that to argue for it's truth in the absolute sense will prove to be a very daunting task, as you will have to essentially prove the invalidation of a the sexual orientations and emotions of a fairly large number of people. I do think it's an interesting concept, however.