Not to put too fine a point on it, but it's obvious the guys weren't the smartest men in the world. If you meet a girl who will let you and your buddy have sex with her, right off the bat, but demands you give her nothing but anal, that should be setting off all kinds of red flags.
I can sort of understand the people who are calling what the girl did 'shocking' and all, and while I can't honestly say I wouldn't maybe give "him" a slap or something, that would be the initial shock- but you can't beat a person to death and say it was because you were blindsided by a lie. Being lied to does not justify murder. That's really the bottom line here.
I agree with the removal of the hate crime charges only because it was an immediate reaction to the situation which had more to do with their shock over being deceived, and not about the girl. Had they slapped her, left, and gone back at some future point to kill her, then I would absolutely say it was a hate crime.