Originally Posted by Charlatan
That's so nice... you're actually going to let me take my pick of insults? How kind.
English is largely spoken around the world, not only because the US is a superpower but because the UK is both a major economic power and because of the UK's colonial influence. People in these nations were speaking English long before the US was a player. The fact that three of the G8 nations speak English while none of the other share a language, add to the mix, Australia, Hong Kong, New Zealand, India and other former colonies in the British Commonwealth and you have a lot of Nations speaking English.
I don't disagree that the US is part of the reason just that it is the only reason.
It's already been decided that the rest of the world doesn't like Americans, and are saying we are ignorant, arrogant, deluded, etc. So why should Americans be any more considerate? It's the US who has the power, not the other way around. It's other countries who seek advantage from us, who want our dollars. I know there is a two-way street and America benefits as well, but our deficit would point to the fact that the world is getting more from us than we get from the world. So apparently the rest of the world is dealing with people they obviously find lower and/or unpleasant just for cash. I don't think my "insults" are all that off-target especially since they seem to be true.
As for english, obviously the UK's colonialism has alot to do with english being predominant globally. But I don't think that would be the case currently w/o the US and their economic power, especially since english is taught greatly in public school systems which grew greatly as the UK's power was declining.
Other Nations do spend a lot of the time looking internally. The fact is, that the US econmony can't fart with out having an effect on most other nations. Again, no one is disputing the fact that American (hell any nation) doesn't really *need* to look beyond their boarders. But until our nations are completely cut off from each other in some sort of sci-fi future, we are all living on the same planet and we are all exerting some sort of influence on each other. Don't you think it would be somewhat useful to understand something of each other?
It's useful for the world to understand the US. It's not as practical the other way around. Again, with the US having the power, things are usually done on our terms. Other countries have more to gain, so they should be expected to make more of a sacrifice.
As for the policy vs. the individual your reading is off base. I get no financial reward from my friendships with many of the individuals on this board and in the rest of my life. What many react when they say they don't agree with US policy are things like the many military incursions the US has made around the globe, the positions the US takes on things like Kyoto (right or wrong), etc. People are frustrated that your nation has the ability to change their world, their lives and they have no way to stop it. I know this is something that would piss you off. Why not try standing in someone else's shoes for a change... of that's right you don't give a shit (as your post clearly indicates).
Here I think we're getting to the real point. The rest of the world is jealous of the power that America has. They resent the US because they have a great deal of military and economic power.
The way I see things, when there was great polarization between the USSR and the US, it was easy for many nations to get behind the US. After WWII, while America built militarily (which was a big change, as early as the 1910-20's most Americans were proud of how small the military was) the remainder of the western world was able to stand back under the US's protective umbrella and develow their economies. This was really true in NATO, where Europe and the US had an official body that at least partially combined militarily. The US got to act as counter to the USSR (or vice versa if you favor Stalinism/Communism) and play at world police all the while having a positive externality of protection to western Europe. Fast forward to the collapse of the Soviet Union, where America is the remaining top dog. You have a western Europe who has had approx. 50 years of revitalized economy, and no longer have the cold war tensions. You also have an America with a bloated military that was built to fight a war that never happenend, and an enemy that is no longer there. For this the American economy has been severly stunted. Now, to me it seems like Europe expected the US to go into the sunset with the USSR, and allow Europe to get back to dictating the affairs of the world as they had for about 700 years previous to WWII. No gratitude, no understanding, just resentment that the US didn't just disappear as a world power. And that's why I think many Americans didn't understand European reaction to the Iraqi war. For years, they had pretty much been allies, and in the US's first major action post-Cold war they instantly turn on us. Instead of getting behind us, allowing us some leeway, they turned on us like ungrateful dogs. They expected the US to not have personal interests, and wanted the US's power to be a communal power. I personally believe that Europe would've been against us with any action we took post-cold war, simply as a statement against the US and not for any ideological reason. It's not like the US has been horribly egregious with their use of power post-WWII, especially in comparison to what other world powers have done. And I'm also not saying that Europe should be lapdogs, but the vehemence of foreign reaction has been stunning for me at least, and somewhat eyeopening. the rest of the world doesn't seem to want to work together, they seem to want to take what benefit they can from US and nothing more. Essentially, I see Europe as wanting the UN, WTO, global treaties, etc. simply as a check/limiting factor on US power.
Again, I really don't care if American's or anyone cares to look beyond their borders... why should they. Just remember when you have your head in the sand your ass is exposed. Don't be surprised if someone tries to kick you in the ass.
If anything, you have give us a clear example of the brand of American arrogance that pisses off other nations. I thank you for this.
Why does so-called American arrogance piss of other nations? You've said yourself that many of my points about American power is true. You say look at it from someone else's shoes, why don't you try the same. Do you think about Uruguay and who happens to be in charge there? Or what about Laos? What are some of the economic problems facing Liechtenstein? Do you know? Well, most other countries are like these in comparison to the US. They have little individual impact on us. Yet you expect the US to pay attention to you while you don't look at these (and other smaller nations). Now who's the arrogant one?
Again, at the federal level is where foreign relations are dealt with in America. If the general public doesn't pay much attention to other countries, it's largely by design. They just have little effect on day-to-day life. As I said, when there's actually a country with enough strength to affect Americans in general, they will pay attention. But until then, it's pretty much a hobby for people, or the domain of people who deal with international business.