How about the option of "No, I haven't donated yet because I want to make a meaningful contribution, don't have enough money, and can't bring myself to only giving a quarter."
Look, I want to help these people. If you know me at all, you would know that I am very empathetic. You would also know that I am the last to be the know-it-all college kid who bitches about how the government sucks. I think that it would be belittling to the people to give a quarter or a dollar. I also have no time to help raise money (I work 20+ hours a week and have a 16 hour class load on top of an hour long commute each way every day). I have less than five dollars in my bank account. I just had to borrow twenty bucks from my mom so that I can buy lunch and gas before my next paycheck. Now, that being said, I could forgo going to class, work, or the little free time that I have so that I can help those in need, but I'll be damned if I have needs myself. Giving would be more than an inconvenience to me. I want to help, but I just can't right now. I'm just hoping for some fortunate event to come up where I have a little extra cash or time that I can donate. I have a feeling that there will be plenty of time to help, and I don't have to make myself as poor as the victims to help.
I would consider telling the original poster to go fuck him/her self, but that would be the childish way to do it. I would appreciate it if you would maybe consider that there actually people out there who would like to help but lack the means.
"I'm telling you, we need to get rid of a few people or a million."