Yes, hurricanes are natural phenomena. And yes, I agree, George Bush isn't responsible for the actions of a few knuckleheads.
In times of national crisis, who is the person that people look to for leadership? The president. Like it or not, that's part of the job description. Where was Bush on Tuesday? Playing guitar at a rally trying to boost his numbers out of the toilet. Ben Stein thinks that Bush taking 4 days to even show up shows adequate leadership? And when he finally does it's just for a cheap photo op?
Bush needs to understand that leadership is a LOT more than showing your face on TV shaking black hands making yourself look good. It is taking charge, organization, helping your fellow man recover from tragedy. Bush will never realize this. I've come to live with that fact. I just hope that his power is stripped away next year at the mid-terms.
Looks like someone won all of Ben's money seeing that he has to resort to making idiotic statements such as this just to get some attention.