my first reaction was like many others--2 different sources, you really can't compare. i'd say not racist. and reading the snopes article just confirms that. one saw the guy looting, so captioning is appropriate. the other saw the couple picking up goods they "found" floating out of a store, so captioning is appropriate.
but even without that knowledge, still not racist imo. you can call it whatever word you like and there are many who justify doing it--but looking at the pics and reading the captions i assumed both were looting. i just figured one source was calling it like it was and the other was the sympathetic sort trying to be a little softer. "looting" is negative, and there are plenty of people who feel it is appropriate given the situation, thus, it isn't really wrong. they are just taking things that would otherwise be destroyed anyway.
you can argue they were trying to use a softer phrase than looting because the couple in the pic is white--but had the captioning had been reversed no one would be shouting racism. based on comments lately seen in the news, i think there are some who want to make this a race issue. if you look hard enough, you can find "evidence" of anything.