Originally Posted by AngelicVampire
Personally I think we should be able to forfeit our rights, if we start murdering people why do we still retain all the rights that we deprived others of? If I go out and decide to brutally murder someone for the fun of it do I really have the "right" to live? Personally I would say no (not planning on murdering anyone btw), rights to things tend to make people stop seeing why its a right and that really it being an earned right would be better.
Look at free education, people see this as a right, no matter how you behave you have the right to an education, if perhaps this right could be revoked (you have the right to a free education while you behave in an acceptable manner) then perhaps people would treat their education (and other rights) with more respect and actually "earn" these rights...
the two problems i see with what you're saying (and to some extent i do agree with you) is that 1) most people see rights not as something that can be given or taken away. they're inalienable rights that we have due to the grace of god (for some) or that are ours due to our status as humans (for others). so for example, we have the right to free speech no matter what due to god or just because we're human, and no one has the right to take that away from us.
the second problem is "what is behaving acceptably?" if we put conditions, even ones that seem to be set in stone, we're just asking for them to be abused. just like how we had poll tests (or was it called taxes? oh well) back in the jim crowe days, we could have a teacher say that little jimmy (a black kid) is always being disruptive and needs to be removed (because he keeps asking questions without raising his hand to be recognized) while little james (white kid) is merely being inquisitive when he does that.
free education isn't a right anyways though, it's a responsibility of the govt. to provide, but that's a whole 'nother topic.