Originally Posted by Lebell
So your argument is basically, "everyone knows it".
Look, I know it's a sensitive thing to some people to say such things about our oh-so-wonderful soldiers, but don't let that cloud your judgement about what I'm saying and pretend it doesn't happen.
My argument isn't "everyone knows it", that's simply how you chose to interpret it. Take what I say how you will, but what I'm saying isn't news to your ears or something completely out of the question.
It's like, people try to disprove others with the "show me proof" BS, and if the other person doesn't show it, their statements are supposed to be meaningless.. don't think so.
No, it doesn't happen *every single time*, but it happens enough to the point where it should be on people's minds when you have recruiters soliciting your children.
Enough with the nonsense already.
Back to the topic - serving in the military is voluntary. There's no reason for the recruiters to solicit your kids into signing up and potentially (ding ding, here's why argument came in) manipulating them to deter them from their path in life. Although, I guess it could be argued that if your kid falls for it, then he kinda deserves it, but I won't even get into that