Originally Posted by lurkette
I see no problem with keeping a FREE social safety net in place to catch those who, for whatever reason, can't catch themselves.
There is a difference between can't help themselves and don't want to help themselves! A difference between I want a brand new car and I can do with a used one. Because Joe Schmo overtime to buy his new car, should he have to pay higher taxes so I can have one without working the overtime? Should spoiled little Paris Hilton owe everyone else because they didn't start off the same as her. Does she owe them that? If you don't like where you start off or currently are, you have the choice. Sit and eat cheese on the couch while you whine about it or get up and work to change it. Don't expect me to work harder, so you don't have to.
Please don't get me wrong. I'm not saying not to help anyone. If some needs help up after being hit by some hardship, they should get help. But help doesn't mean it should all be done for them. If you want to get up you have to make some effort yourself to go hand in hand with the help. That why I see a system of payment deferred, tax free loans with a plan to self support as the best way of helping. Teach them how to support themselves. If they don't want to learn or work, then you are not helping them.
If you give a man a fish, he will eat for a day. If you teach a man how to fish, he will eat for a life time.