not really, besides the fact that it's gonna be a good game. i think it's kinda balanced in some sense.
true, dallas has no one to guard duncan and lacks on the defensive end. however, dallas has lots of hot streaky shooters. finley, nowitzki, la frentz, van exel, nash. these guys put up numbers quick. so it kinda boils down to a shootout between duncan, ginobli, bowen (not from the charity stripe tho) of san antonio and the above listed from dallas.
in game 1, i think nelson out coached poppavich when they started fouling bowen. at first i was uber disappointed, but he played the stats well, and managed to take the crowd out of the game. hell i was out of the game for a bit and would have shut off the tv if i had not been laughing so hysterically.
and man, san antonio has to be able to shoot free throws. god damn, what were they? like 31 of 48, while dallas was 49 of 50 making 49 straight? god damn, that won't do it for you. they had an 18 point advantage, but the free throws alone, which stops the clock, gave dallas 18 points alone over san antonio.
well, we'll see. it's gonna be a good game. go dallas! go san antonio!