I don't understand, why is that everytime it seems that there is a discussion regarding something like this its always the extremes that are pointed out. Buying steak and crablegs with food stamps. Come on, I would add a comment but I am sure all people are going to mention is the small portion of people who get more than what others think they should get. If bill said that most are abusing I would like to see stats, but frankly i really don't care as I too believe that welfare is abused as a whole, but not as glamours as everyone here is witnessing every day apparently. I only know the canadian welfare system, and if you think a family of 7 is eating steak on there welfare check, there not. Not unless tube steak is what you ment.
MY statement was for people who are just trying to get food to SURVIVE but always people have to not use that, but no it looks like all people that are getting hand outs are eating steak, fish eggs, and fresh atlantic crab legs.
Everyone just seems so against helping anyone. If there is natural disaster and all the food crops were wiped out in north america would you not want other countries to help if they could? Or would you be to proud to eat some hand out and rather die? If you currently lived in a country, that you were born to, with no way of helping yourself, no land worth farming. no way to pay for schooling and if it was available. I would hope that we could help people that happen to be less fortunate. But i guess not, more burgers for us i guess. sorry for post, but peope are just to easy to dismiss something that they have never felt. Sure some of you have been poor, shit housing, ..etc but atleast you could get food stamps and walk to your local store, and come back and live in your government paid for house. But some people don't have that option as there are no programs, those are the people i refer to in my statement.