Ok, why in the world would they even offer
Kill Bill, or any Tarantino movie for that matter? I mean the edited versions can't be more than like 5 minutes long.

(edited to add: If they remove all references to violence, wouldn't they even have to retitle the film "
Be Very Upset Wth Bill" or "
Bill Has A Bad Day"

I was going to make a comment about if they would mind if I took their copyrighted web page and added a bunch of cusswords and nekkid pictures to it if that would be ok. However, I couldn't fond a single mention of "copyrighted by cleanflicks" anywhere, so I'm guessing that they don't believe in copyright law period. Which if it is owned/run by Mormons makes sense because they have a history of having little use for the laws of man (i.e. bigamy).