A Mighty Wind for not the first time, because I really enjoy this movie. I saw "Best In Show" before I saw Spinal Tap, so it was my first introduction to the mockumentary, and I loved it. So I knew when Might Wind came out that it was going to be good. Admittedly, it has a few dull spots (the Mickey and Mitch plotline has just enough humour, even though Levy's character almost exaspirates, and some of the other minor characters parts are a little lacking) but the rest of the characters performances make up for it in my opinion. I loved Fred Willards character as the radio DJ "WHA HAPPENED?" and the rest of the bands and their backstories. I love the genius of this film. These actors are true geniuses and experts at their craft. This movie is very funny, and I know I'll pick it up again in a year or so to buy it again.
"There's a mighty wind a-blowing, across land and across the sea /
It's blowing peace and freedom, it's blowing you and me!"
I have faith in a few things - divinity and grace
But even when I'm on my knees I know the devil preys