So the jury seems pretty solid on this now Gilda- you did nothing to invite the attention of this embarrassment to mankind except be you. That doesn't mean that you should change who you are... well with the exception of take some of the advice you've received and be encouraged by the support- especially from us blokes who are outraged by this kind of treatment of women. It's an unfortunate thing that predators can sense those who are less likely to fight back, so wherever you are turn on your spidey senses, work on that 'don't mess with me motherfucker' look and learn how to punch/knee a bloke in the nuts while screaming. Law of the jungle stuff. And find out exactly what to say and do from a legal perspective. Leave the arsehole in no doubt that you can/will fuck him up with the law too, something to think about while he's nursing a bruised ego and balls. My sociopath profiler skills come from TV, but maybe it might make a difference for him to have a record of assault.
But why??