Originally Posted by samcol
Does it matter where the christian outrage is? Why do all these self appointed christian leaders get to speak for everyone. Being a christian does not mean you automatically give approval to the call for assasination, or anything else Bush and the neo-cons say. Just because you don't speak out against something, doesn't mean you automatically condone it. 
I will have to file this one away the next time someone on the right starts talking about liberal conspiracies and asking why liberals don't stand up and tell ***insert fringe wacko here*** that they are wrong and out of line.
There should be Christian outrage because this man, who has a very large pulpit, is a leader of the Christian right. Christians should stand up and denounce him for the wacko he is. Shout him down. Make it clear that what he says is wrong.
As a Christian leader, hell as a Christian, what he is saying *is* wrong. You should be offended to the core of your belief system that someone is sullying the good name of your religion.
In this silence I trust that the irony that Robertson sounds a lot like a mullah calling for a fatwa is not lost on you. That your silence is not all that much unlike the silence of muslims of good consience who do not speak out.