I saw this on fark eariler as well Harry. I never posted on fark as more often than not the hue and cry is so far left or right wing that a calm voice gets ignored. Nevertheless, I have been thinking about it ever since. While I don't really agree with every word of Mr. Coren's article, I agree that it does raise some very intersting points.
What is more important to you as an individual, your rights or your responsiblities?
Is it more important that you have the right to drive a big ass SUV because it makes you feel safe, or is it more important that you consider your responsiblity to the driver of a Honda Civic whom you will almost certainly kill should have an accident?
Is it more important that you have the right to own a giant dog, or is it more important that you have a responsiblity to your neighbours that your dog won't eat their kid?
I have the right to own a gun (or several). But I also have the responsiblity to ensure that the 'bad guys' can't get guns.
As a homeowner I have the right to enjoy my backyard in the summer time to BBQ and drink beer, however as a citizen I have the responsibility to my neighbours to ensure that they can sleep at night without hearing me pounding AC/DC at 3am.
It's unfortunate that Mr. Coren's article was a little extreme and leads one to belive that we in a free society may have too many rights. I think the real thrust of this article is that our responsiblities to socitey should outweigh our perceived rights.
Maybe I'm too much of an idealist, maybe I'm a blue-sky pollyanna dreamer who thinks that its up to me to make sure my neighbours and friends can enjoy life today and tomorrow.
Maybe I'm the only one who cares, but I fucking hope not.
The Truth:
Johnny Cash could have kicked Bruce Lee's ass if he wanted to.
#3 in a series