...I am starting to lose my sense of self.
Sense of self is overrated. If your "self" is an asshole, you're better off without it.
The universe is letting me start over...
Don't confuse "universe" with "psychotic episode".
...I can transend my physical form...
I agree and recommend it. Do you have any idea how many women's locker rooms you can get into as a being of pure energy?
...I would like to reach enlightenment/transend my body...
Is there some reason you can't reach enlightenment while staying in your body? Enlightenment just means you see the truth of things as they really are. This can be quite unnerving. Wouldn't you prefer a nice little delusional fantasy where everyone thinks you're the king of the lizard people and the filthy slugs who oppose your every move will someday be cast into the boiling brine?
Just a thought.