I bought a G35x in April.
2005 in Lakeshore Slate with 14 km on the dial when I took possesion.
I love the car. I also considered the A4, but passed because I felt that the G35 was a superior car. I like the looks more, the engine, the feel, etc. etc. The G35 has 280 hp, and 270 ft.lbs of torque. It's much faster than the Audi. Also, Audi has a terrible reputation for quality. Close to the bottom of the heap actually. And don't get me wrong, I love Audi, especially looks wise.
I was worried when I got the car that "the thrill" would be gone. Sometimes the wanting is better than the having. Not so. I love driving this car. It's remarkably powerful, agile, road feel, etc.
There was no doubt that I wanted the x as well since living in Toronto, the winters can be a bitch. There is no way I would want a rear wheel drive car.
I am at about 9,500 km to date and the only problem was a creak in the centre consol which Infiniti naturally corrected. That being said, the Infiniti is warranteed for 4 years 100,000 km bumper to bumper and 5 or 6 years 110 on the powertrain (can't recall)
Now for areas that the G-35 could improve.
1. Transmission. The ratios are such that in 5'th gear (5 speed auto) at about 120 km/hr, the engine is reving at about 2800 RPMs. I find this high. The car could really use a 6'th gear. The transmission is a close ratio tranmission which only helps it be even quicker, however, she revs high at highway speeds. A 6'th gear would solve this.
Also, interestingly, when I first took possesion of the car, I complained to the dealer that it was shifting like "a grand pa car" at "normal" acceleration. He told me not to worry that the car has to "learn" my style of driving and the transmission will adjust. I thought he was full of shit and was convinced that the car need a new transmission. It was really bugging me. Then one day at about 6,000 or so km, the transmission completely morphed into something incredible. A completely different machine. It now shifts crisp and even holds onto the gears when you are backing off the gas. I wouldn't have believed it if it didn't happen to me.
2. I am 6-2 and another inch of head room would be nice. What's left of my hair sometimes grazes the headliner.
3. I would love an oil pressure gage.
4. I would love a fuel economy gage.
5. I would love it if the trunk lid sprang open full open instead of just unlatching.
6. I would love doors that automatically locked when I put it in drive (No japanese does this for some reason)
7. I would love rear seats that folded down. They used to do this, now they just recline. Strange.
Also, the car loves gas, but that probably has something to do with me driving the crap out of it.
What I love about the car
1. Looks. It is a beautiful car. Very European in its looks. I see a bit of E type, a bit of Audi, a bit of BMW in it's styling.
2. Engine. Absolutely incredibly smooth and powerful.
3. AWD Normally its RWD, however, if you need it, it will switch to 75/25 or 50/50 automatically, or you can lock it in "snow mode" for full time AWD.
4. Seats. Very soft comfortable leather.
5. Intelligent key. Love not having to fumble for my keys. Just keep your key in your pocket and there is a transponder in the fob that tells the car that you have the key. You can open doors, trunk and start the car without using the key or the remote keyless entry.
6. Redesigned dash. New for 2005, completely redesigned and looks great.
If you buy the G, you won't be disappointed.
PS, I passed on the navigation system. I have been driving for 24 years and have never been lost, so I didn't see the point. Did opt for the premium package however. Dealer told me that most people do not want the navigation package at $3,200 extra.
Last edited by james t kirk; 08-13-2005 at 05:10 PM..