IF the troops are in Iraq, and they needed supplies they could only get by rationing, AND you wouldn't be willing to ration, THEN you do not support the troops at all. You support wars you like.
This quote shows your absolute bias and lack of understanding for what SUPPORT means. Support is not something you do becuase you have to. Likewise, support is charity. Beggars cannot be choosers. I can support someone without sending them rations. I can send them money, I can pray for them, I can hope they come safe. I can lobby and protest to my representatives to bring them home. Those are support -- if they want help and support, they cannot determine what channels it comes via. I can wholly support something without bending to their every whim and desire. If my father were suddenly destitute and asking for my help.. I could give him clothes, and shelter, and food.. but if he asked for booze -- do I *have* to give it to him? If I don't give him booze, do I suddenly not support him? I think not.
I can SUPPORT MY TROOPS without rationing.