Originally Posted by El Pollo
Yeah, that's a pretty sweet looking silhouette. Was it from a photo?
Overall the piece looks very cool, although I don't really get what's going on. I see a girl running away from a hentai monster and archers. Somehow I don't really think that's what you were going for...
Yeah, I got the silhouette from a stock photo. I was just playing around and thought it looked cool.
As for what's going on in the piece itself...At first I just had the sillhouette and the gradient. Then I added the text. Then I felt that there was too much space, so i was adding in "filler" things, but I could never really get what I wanted, so I kinda settled with those things. My friend happened to see it while I was working on it and he said basically the same thing - a sea monster getting shot with arrows. I didn't really intend that, but ya know, it can be whatever you want it to be. heh. I'll have to work on that some more though - being more subtle with adding in "filler" items so they're more part of the background and so the whole thing isn't cluttered, but at the same time isn't blank and boring. I can spend only so much time on balancing out a piece and making it look decent - I eventually have to give up for the time being and go back to it when I get super awesome inspiration..which usually doesn't happen.
Oh, by the way, your piece makes me run in fear. It's awesome.