in general for non standard tipping situations, i only tip if the person really goes beyond there job expectation or does something to make happy... i never tipped a fast food person before, most of them just grudge though there job... nore have i really tipped a cashier... if i find someone worthy, they get it, i was a cashier for a few years as my first job, i did get tipped now and then when i made conversation with some of the older shoppers, which i did enjoy.
my general rule of thumb on tipping is based off how much the person did that they didn't have to do and how much work they had to do to serve me... i'll rather tend to tip the person who served me one five dollar meal just as much as the person who served me one twenty dollar meal... it's just as much work for them, and i'm sure the person who served me the twenty dollar mirror gets more money anyways